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Our quality and passion sets us apart

While there are a lot of interview preparation platform for algorithms and data structures, few cater to the needs of Front End interviewing and GreatFrontEnd strives to bridge that gap. Preparing for Front End interviews is tough. There's no standard way of assessing Front End interview candidates, every company does it their own way, some companies stick with LeetCode-style algorithmic coding questions, some companies ask candidates to write JavaScript functions emulating browser APIs, while other companies want candidates to build small applications or components using HTML, CSS and JavaScript and also system design in front end.

Who are we?

We are seasoned Front End specialists with years of experience in the Front End domain. As ex-FAANG Front End Engineers, we have interviewed hundreds of candidates, mentored dozens of junior engineers and we have tried and tested ways of helping people get better at Front End interviews and we believe we have succeeded in coming up with a solution, which is the GreatFrontEnd platform.

What's special about GreatFrontEnd?

Front end is our passion — and our wish is to improve the overall maturity of the front end field. Every question and solution on GreatFrontEnd has been written with the motive to improve your practical competency in front end as much as your interviewing competency. By using GreatFrontEnd, you will solidify your fundamentals, learn common patterns in Front End interview questions such that you can tackle any front end interview question you're given.

Regardless of whether you are actively job hunting or not, you will learn something new from the platform that will benefit you for life in your career.